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Hunting for Girls Birthday Dresses

I am a sea captain on hunt or expedition for the most elusive of creatures.  No, I'm not talking about Moby Dick.  And no, I am not talking about Jaws. I could be talking about the Loch Ness Monster, but in this case I am not.  Similarly, I'm not talking about sunken pirates treasure, the kracken, or the Bermuda Triangle.  The object of my quest is none other than the birthday girl dress.

Yes, this garment has the power to transform a girls life, especially before her party.  It can make the wearer feel like a million bucks, but it can also make those who are lucky enough to witness it's twirling powers.  It's absolutely hypnotizing, which is what I want to use them for if I ever track them down on the open seas.  If I capture a girls birthday dress, I shall use it to rule the world.  Of course, if there happens to be a girl wearing the dress at the time, I would of course set her free by tossing her back into the ocean.  After all, I'm not a monster.

You might ask, quite rightfully, what my intentions.  Why do I want to use birthday girls dresses to rule the world.  It's not money.  It's not fame.  And it's not sex.  It's cheese.  With my magnetic girls birthday dresses, I could freeze security guards and steal the globe's supply of cheese right from under their noses.  I would use this hardened milk product to feed my crews and fatten our belies.  Oh how we love swiss.  Not the people, just the cheese.  I can't understand a word of their ridiculous language.  But their foods are so tasty in my yummy tummy. 

Ahoy, thar she blows!  It be a girls dress at 12 fanthoms beyond her birthday.  Fire up the harpoon, and we shall take her aboard.  Eye eye on the prize.  Don't let her swim away, boys.  I mean girls.  I mean, whoever wants to wear these tantalizing girls party dresses.  

If you, or anyone you know, wants to buy girls birthday dresses, I have just the website for you.  It's called TwirlyGirlShop.  The owners don't really care if you use these dresses for nefarious purposes.  Just so long as you have fun wearing them and express your individuality.  Poke around.  There's lots of fun stories and styles to whet your appetite.  Just click here.

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