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Dear Senator Kennedy,

I am writing you this letter because I know you are super powerful in government and you make decisions that affect the rest of us.  I thank you for that, since it is obvious we shouldn't make up our own minds.  Please don't think for a second that I am being sarcastic.  Since I am only a nine year old girl, I  know nothing of sarcasm.  Therefore I speak from the heart when I implore you to take action at the Federal level to ensure this country's greatness by establishing a national outfit that children can wear to school every day.  By this, I mean a uniform of sorts.  Since I am a girl, I really don't care what boys wear, so I'll focus my efforts on the clothes that girls should put on their bodies.  I believe, with all my soul, that all girls should wear capri leggings such as these.  Girls leggings are idea for a number of reasons.  I shall list those reasons below, since it would impossible to list them above without the advent of a time machine.  Chuckle chuckle.

Capri leggings for girls are extremely versatile.  They can be worn alone, or under a skirt or a dress.  They can be funky or conservative.  They provide warm and comfort.  Kids can wear leggings to gym class, or they can be used for more fancy occasion.  They pack small, so they are easily stored.  They come in many shapes, styles, patterns and styles, so leggings are sure to please a multitude of girls.   I even know some girls who sleep in them as if they were pajamas.  I usually don't socialize with them, but hey, they are free to do as they please.

I've done a good deal of research on girls capri leggings, and have found the perfect website to buy them on.  It's called TwirlyGirl, and all of their clothes are manufactured right here in the United States of America.  How rare is that?  My father says the nation hardly manufactures anything at all anymore, so they seem like a good business to support.  They also have a wide selection and variety of girls clothing.  It's not like they only sell capris.  You should check them out for yourself by going to this website.  It's  Don't feel compelled to just search their collection of capri leggings.  It's okay if you want to look at their other styles.  But don't waste to much time.  You are, after all, a public servant and I'm not paying you to goof off at work.  This ain't the Soviet Union, comrade.  We earn our money around here.  LOL!  (Just kidding.  I don't mean LOL.)

Thank you for your time and attention in this grave concern.  I believe you are the perfect government official to help with this matter because you I've seen you waste your time on other frivolous subjects.  Why not waste them making girls capri leggings are official girls clothing?

With warmth,

Gina Paqueddity
Rhode Island


Letter to Senator Kennedy Goes Viral: Girl Wants Capri Leggings to Be National Outfit

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