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Star of Jaws Remake Dons Girls Birthday Dress

My daughter is quite the amateur filmmaker.  She writes her own scripts and enlists the help with her friends to shoot them.  And thanks to todays computer technology, it's really easy to edit them and even out special effects.  The little girl even knows how to properly use a green screen.  Last weekend, she decided she wanted to make a parody of jaws.  Only instead of having a sea captain hunt down the shark, she was going to make the hero a beautiful twirlygirl, hunting the ferocious predator on her birthday while wearing a girls dress.

The storyline is a little convoluted and unclear. Let's face it, it's sometimes hard to make sense out of child logic.  But the long and the short of it is this: it's the little girls eighth birthday, and she's just unwrapped a really special present from her uncle.  The uncle then goes for a swim in the pool, but it attacked by a vicious shark.  What was it doing in the pool, who knows?  To avenge the death of her family member, the hero dons her birthday girl dress and makes a plan.  First, she needs to take swimming lesson.  She gets some water wings, and puts them over her girls birthday dress, and dives into the water.  She considers using a spear gun, but instead uses a nerf water cannon.  For some reason, seas creatures hate water when it's streamed at them.  Then she climbs onto her raft and paddles into the middle of the ocean.  A big hunt ensues.  Blah-blah-blah.  Then the shark attacks her.  It tears the one thing she holds precious in her life: her uncles birthday girl dress. Now the girl is super pissed. She dives into the water and beats up the hammerhead with her bare hands.  Blood everywhere.  When she swims back to the edge, everyone is clapping.  She saved the day.  The sea is now safe to swim in again.  Or is it?

It seems there's a baby nurse shark in the water as well.  The end?  The sequel is pretty much the same as the original.  My daughter really has this hollywood thing down pat, don't you think.  And I love how this girl was inspired by a dress she received on her birthday.  I guess she really got the perfect gift this year.

If you want, I'll tell you the site she got it on.  Go check them out yourself here.

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